multiethnic family spending time together at home

NYS-AIMH aims to be the professional home for all those working with young children and their families.

Join NYS-AIMH to help shape education and public awareness of the importance of Infant Mental Health in New York State, and to build your professional portfolio towards Endorsement®. We encourage all professionals who work with 0-5 year-olds and their families to consider the NYS-AIMH their professional home. Become a member, join a committee, and get involved!

preschool kids drawing in day care

Gain access to the Infant Mental Health Endorsement®, plus many additional benefits.

Learn more about benefits below:



Sign up five individual memberships at a reduced rate, including all the benefits of NYS-AIMH membership!

Learn more about benefits below

person making clay figures

Become an
Individual Member

Gain access to the Infant Mental Health Endorsement®, plus many additional benefits.

General Membership Benefits!

Access to the Infant Mental Health Endorsement®

Once you are registered for the Endorsement®, as a NYS-AIMH member, you will be able to start opening your “Portfolio”

You will also receive: technical assistance on how to proceed with the Endorsement® process and access to resources for reflective supervision with certified supervisors

Access to Resources

Access to NYS-AIMH’s library of resources and publications related to the field

Training, Workshops and Special Events

Calendar of events and notices about upcoming training, education, and development workshops and seminars including but not limited to, those sponsored by NYS-AIMH and its partners

Savings and Discounts

Reduced rates at sponsored conferences and workshops

Discounts on professional materials

Networking and Opportunities

Networking and mentoring opportunities through NYS-AIMH’s member network

An opportunity to participate in a professional membership organization of multidisciplinary colleagues and choose people to lead the Association

An opportunity to apply to participate on one of NYS-AIMH’s Committees and to stand for election to the leadership of the Association

Connection to the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health a national consortium of statewide IMH organizations

Become an
Organizational Member

Sign up five individual memberships at a reduced rate, including all the benefits of NYS-AIMH membership!

Organizational Membership Benefits!

Group membership

Five (5) annual individual memberships in NYS-AIMH, as a base roster with extra employee memberships added as needed. This includes all of the benefits of individual membership in NYS-AIMH. You chose who the employees to benefit from the free training, workshops and other events with member discounts. For enrolling six or more members, email for assistance.

Competency Guidelines

A free hard copy of the Endorsement “Competency Guidelines” .

Promote your organization

Website information with hyperlink to corporate page, on NYSAIMH’s website.

Ability to provide information on organization’s upcoming events, training, and other educational opportunities.

Opportunity to identify and recommend those NYS-AIMH members within your organization who can apply to participate on one of NYS-AIMH’s Committees.
Note: Organizations will be limited to one individual per committee.

NYS-AIMH will identify, recommend, and inform Association membership about the organization’s training, workshop, and other opportunities that are consistent with competencies.

Organizational NYS-AIMH Members

We welcome all organizations that share our mission of supporting the mental health of young children.

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