The NYS-AIMH invites members to become involved in committees and other volunteer opportunities.
Committees include:
Training & Professional Development
Membership & Marketing
Higher Education
If you are interested in joining any of these committees, please contact us.

Development Committee
The Development Committee will research possible grant opportunities and organizational partnerships. They will plan one or more regional fundraising events in 2016, and would welcome your participation. NYS-AIMH always welcomes private gifts to support our work.
Members of this committee assist in developing and implementing fundraising efforts for the Association.

Training and Professional Development Committee
The Training and Professional Development committee supports NYS-AIMH in developing, coordinating, and implementing training and educational opportunities sponsored by the NYS-AIMH throughout the year. An integral role of the committee is to identify members of the interprofessional workforce and stakeholders within their communities that are involved with children ages 0-5 and families. Developing programming that focuses on the professional development needs of practitioners and relates to the endorsement competencies is an important aspect of our work. The aim of the program committee is to support the relational and social/emotional development of infant and young children’s mental health through supporting NYS-AIMH to provide innovative professional development initiatives across New York State.

Endorsement Committee
Members of this committee will assist in reviewing portfolios, communicate with applicants, and review the IMH exams for Levels III and IV. All members of this committee must be Endorsed at Levels III or IV.
For more information about the Endorsement process please contact us.

Membership/ Marketing Committee
The Membership and Marketing Committee supports communication, membership recruitment, engagement, and retainment. This includes providing the infant and early childhood workforce with information about infant mental health issues, research, and policy at both the state and national levels. The committee also seeks to increase awareness of all professionals who work with young children about infant and early childhood mental health, and the benefits of membership, the NYS-AIMH Endorsement, reflective supervision, and our training programs.
Members of the committee assist in developing and implementing a strategic plan for marketing NYS-AIMH’s programs and services. Activities include developing brochures and other recruitment materials, establishing the membership fee structure, developing new membership benefits, and supporting staff on the development of the website and newsletter content among other activities.

Higher Education
This committee has impacted the direction of NYS-AIMH in many ways. Most recently, they have launched the offering of academic vetting of coursework for higher education and professional training institutions to ensure that courses offered are aligned with national standards and prepare students who wish to pursue the NYS-AIMH Endorsement®. This provides for the education of students with the skills and knowledge to recognize and support early childhood social emotional and mental health. The academic vetting process is stringent and detailed and is only one of the many tasks undertaken by this committee.