
To determine how your current work fits into the various credentials, please explore the links provided below. These “crosswalks” provide a comparison between the Infant Mental Health Endorsement®(IMHE) and other credentials and professional development supports.
Individuals who work with young children, their families and their caregivers come from diverse experiences and represent a large variety of professions that include Early Care and Learning, Home Visiting, Head Start and Preschool, Early Intervention, Clinical Mental Health, Child Welfare, Health Care and many others. As these professionals work toward their NYS-AIMH Endorsement®, they consider all of the education and specialty training they have completed which has helped them meet requirements and competencies. As a critical pathway to building a strong infant and early childhood workforce, NYS-AIMH is collaborating with those who provide education and training to the field of early childhood practitioners to foster a coherent system for identifying programs that include content essential to the endorsement process.
New York State Credential Crosswalks:
New York State Parenting Education Partnership (NYSPEP) Parenting Educator Credential