NYS-AIMH presents
Prenatal Infant Mental Health
Supporting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Before the baby is even born!
October 21, 2022 10 am-2 pm (Recorded on Zoom)
The prenatal period has so much potential, yet there’s a lot that can get in the way. Not everyone is excited about being pregnant or feels ready to become a parent. And past experiences have an impact: In the US and globally, one in five women has a history of childhood maltreatment, including sexual abuse. Childbearing is not always a joyful choice.
We will focus on:
- We will explore the various influences of culture and society on the childbearing year and how these influence the developing relationship between parent and child, beginning with the relationship formed in pregnancy.
- Will look specifically at interventions that have been developed to address social determinants of health, caregiver mental health, and promote “good enough” parenting.
- Guided self-care activities
- Strategize in real time on provided case examples
This workshop is for Home Visitors, healthcare providers, Early Learning Professionals, childcare providers, child welfare professionals, Early Intervention practitioners, Mental Health therapists, and more…All are welcome!