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Academic Course Vetting

The New York State Association of Infant Mental Health (NYS-AIMH) is providing an Academic Course vetting process designed to recognize those academic courses that align with the competencies of the NYS-AIMH Endorsement®.

The process aims to collaborate with Higher Education Institutions and Professional Training Agencies to ensure the promotion of infant and early childhood mental health principles through courses that prepare students from multidisciplinary fields to meet the critical needs of young children and their families.

In 2017 NYS-AIMH began offering the Endorsement® to individuals who reside in New York. This is a portfolio-based application process that includes educational course work and specialty training.

As academic institutions and professional development agencies learned about the Endorsement®, they became interested in a vetting process that would identify courses/trainings that could be used in an application for endorsement.  Additionally, a crosswalk between the competencies and course/training content could be used to determine if the course/training was competency informed.

Benefits of having your courses/workshops vetted:

  1. Join with NYS-AIMH and an assembly of young child and family serving systems to elevate the importance of education and training in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.
  2. Align your course work with internationally recognized standards.
  3. Access a structured format for examining courses/trainings and connecting them to the NYS-AIMH Endorsement® competencies.
  1. Higher education entities and professional development organizations who have had their courses vetted can:
    • Support your students to easily construct their applications for endorsement based on the competencies listed in your materials.
    • Advertise approved courses, thereby increasing your potential base of students.
    • Be listed on the NYS-AIMH website.

As a critical pathway to building a strong infant and early childhood workforce, it is hoped that these collaborations between NYS-AIMH and those providing education and training to the field of early childhood practitioners will foster a coherent system for identifying programs that include content essential to the endorsement process.

This Academic course vetting process is designed to provide you with a criteria by which to design, adapt or evaluate your course(s).  The criteria draws from the NYS-AIMH Competency Guidelines and Endorsement® materials and is intended to be used by colleges, universities and professional development organizations to connect their content and methodology to the endorsement requirements.


  1. Schedule/register for a free consultation – click the blue “get started” button.
  2. Consult with NYS-AIMH regarding the applicable courses and direction
  3. Apply – Sign agreement and pay registration fee (50% of total fee).
  4. Receive the Self-Study Evaluation Rubric and up to 60 minutes of individual consultation via web-based meeting and email/phone.
  5. Submit materials for review and pay the remaining fees.
  6. Receive additional consultation and feedback that highlights the strengths of the courses and offers detailed information about any changes that need to be made to meet the criteria
  7. Receive a NYS-AIMH seal of approval highlighting that this course is Competency Aligned. Course details will be featured in the Academic Vetting page of our website and in marketing materials. 

Organizational NYS-AIMH Members

We welcome all organizations that share our mission of supporting the mental health of young children.

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